free circulation - перевод на русский
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free circulation - перевод на русский

Circulation (mathematics); Circulation (fluid dynamics)
  • curl]] of '''v''' is ''heuristically'' depicted as a helical arrow (not a literal representation). Note the projection of '''v''' along ''d'''''l''' and curl of '''v''' may be in the negative sense, reducing the circulation.

free circulation      

общая лексика

свободная циркуляция

нефтегазовая промышленность

свободная циркуляция (без препятствий в бурильной колонне или кольцевом пространстве)

pulmonary circulation         
  • [[3D rendering]] of a [[high resolution computed tomography]] of the [[thorax]]. The anterior thoracic wall, the airways and the pulmonary vessels anterior to the [[root of the lung]] have been digitally removed in order to visualize the different levels of the pulmonary circulation.
  • The opening page of one of Ibn al-Nafis's medical works
  • Image showing main pulmonary artery coursing ventrally to the [[aortic root]] and [[trachea]]. The right pulmonary artery passes dorsally to the [[ascending aorta]], while the left pulmonary artery passes ventrally to the [[descending aorta]].
Pulmonary Circulation journal; Pulmonary Circulation (journal); Pulm. Circ.; Pulm Circ

общая лексика

малый [лёгочный] круг кровообращения


кровообращение в лёгких

лёгочное кровообращение

cerebral circulation         
  • Cerebrovascular System
  • The anterior and posterior circulations meet at the [[Circle of Willis]], pictured here, which rests at the top of the [[brainstem]]. Inferior view.
  • The [[ophthalmic artery]] and its branches.
  • [[Dural venous sinuses]] bordered by hard meninges (shown in blue) direct blood outflow from cerebral veins to the [[internal jugular vein]] at the [[base of skull]]
Cerebral blood flow; Cerebrovascular circulation; Cerebral vessel; Bridging veins; Bridging vein; Cerebral blood vessel; Brain blood flow; Cerebral vasculature; RCBF; Regional cerebral blood flow; Anterior cerebral circulation; Posterior cerebral circulation

общая лексика

мозговое кровообращение


I (от греч. phóbos - страх, боязнь)

часть сложных слов, означающая боящийся, враждебный, ненавидящий, например женофоб.

II (англ. fob, сокр. от free on board - Франко борт, буквально - свободно на борту судна)

вид купли-продажи (См. Купля-продажа) товаров при морской перевозке. Условия Ф. означают, что продавец обязан доставить товар в порт и погрузить на указанное покупателем судно; расходы по доставке товара на борт судна включаются в стоимость товара. В некоторых портах при поставках на условиях Ф. расходы по погрузке несёт покупатель. Риск случайной гибели имущества или его повреждения возлагается на продавца - до момента пересечения товаром борта судна, и на покупателя - с указанного момента. По Общим условиям СЭВ (См. Общие условия СЭВ) право собственности на товар переходит от продавца к покупателю одновременно с переходом риска. См. также Фас.


Circulation (physics)

In physics, circulation is the line integral of a vector field around a closed curve. In fluid dynamics, the field is the fluid velocity field. In electrodynamics, it can be the electric or the magnetic field.

Circulation was first used independently by Frederick Lanchester, Martin Kutta and Nikolay Zhukovsky. It is usually denoted Γ (Greek uppercase gamma).

Примеры употребления для free circulation
1. The Commission would likely also introduce a "safeguard clause" that would allow member states to limit the free circulation of defence equipment under certain circumstances.
2. "When you invest enough in technology and you buy technology from the best companies abroad, you are certainly able to create a new kind of Internet, not based on the free circulation of information but on market information," says Mr.
3. "When you invest enough in technology and you buy technology from the best companies abroad, you are certainly able to create a new kind of internet, not based on the free circulation of information but on market information," says Pain.
4. In an effort to promote economic integration among some of the world‘s poorest nations, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has developed a "free circulation" policy for people and goods across the bloc‘s 15 member states.
5. In an essay entitled «The Economics of Turkish Accession,» CER said the major fear of Europeans, the free circulation of labor, was not expected to start before 2022 and when the time came, EU countries might even want Turkish workers due to falling birth rates in Europe.